What's Next?

Congrats! You have successfully registered with Code Club Aotearoa. A Code Club staff member will contact you soon. In the meantime, get started with the steps below

Sign up to our Newsletter!

Sign up to our newsletter for monthly updates, tips, giveaways and cool news.

Police Vetting

Unless you are a registered teacher, all club leaders and volunteers need to be police vetted. We suggest you get started right away on completing a police vetting consent form, as it takes 2-4 weeks to process. This process is required for anyone in Aotearoa volunteering to work with students.

The consent form can be found at bit.ly/ccnz-police. Send the completed form and two types of identification (one must have a photograph) to [email protected]. If you are confused about types of identification please refer to this guide.

Familiarise Yourself with Code Club Projects

While waiting for your police vetting form to process we recommend looking over the projects Code Club provides to prepare for your first class. Give them a go!

Find a Club

You may choose to start your own club or request to join a local club. To find a club use our interactive map to locate nearby clubs that are accepting volunteers.

Please note: You may request to join a club at anytime but until your police vetting forms are approved and the club leader has accepted your request you will not be able to volunteer at the club.


Across all activities that Code Club Aotearoa supports, we have a firm commitment to safeguarding. We believe we all have a responsibility to promote the welfare of children and young people and to keep them safe. The Raspberry Pi foundation have plenty of safeguarding resources relevant to both in person and online Code Club sessions, including a free 30 minute safeguarding e-learning module for volunteers and leaders.

We're here to help!

If you have any questions get in touch. We're always here to help!


Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? Check out our FAQ.




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